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Joint ARCH/ CWAG /NFA webinar – Meeting Net-Zero Carbon Targets in Council Housing

The programme will include a speaker from BEIS, the government department heading up the funding programmes for social housing decarbonisation who will cover the lessons so far from the pilots and wave 1 of the programme as well as their plans for future funding. We will also hear from Savills, the UK wide property consultancy, on the work they are doing with the social housing sector and from a range of councils and ALMOs leading the way in developing their approach to meeting net-zero carbon across their council housing and beyond. Attached is a preview programme (*which may be subject to Read More....


CWAG Annual General Meeting

The AGM programme will focus on the implementation of Tenant Satisfaction Measures. We have two confirmed speakers: Kate Dodsworth – Director of Consumer Regulation at the Regulator of Social Housing will discuss the outcome of the TSM consultation, practical issues, and next steps. Jonathan Cox - Deputy Director of Data and Business Intelligence at Housemark will discuss some of the more complex implementation issues facing landlords including how to prepare for the introduction of TSMs next year. The formal business of the AGM involves reviewing the operating arrangements, work-plan, and financial affairs of the Group as well electing representatives to the Read More....

LGA Fire and Building Safety Webinar

This free webinar will provide an update on councils’ responsibilities in respect of the new Building Safety regime, the Fire Safety Act and new fire safety regulations arriving in January. The HSE will speak and answer questions about the development of the new regime and the Golden Thread requirements in particular. The Golden Thread is an essential component of the new system and Accountable Persons will be required to have one for each building. The Home Office and the National Fire Chiefs Council (NFCC) will speak and answer questions, bringing attendees fully up to date on the part they can play Read More....

The Social Housing Regulation Bill – Information for Councils

This LGA event has been organised in collaboration with ARCH and the NFA. The programme will discuss the forthcoming Social Housing Regulation Bill and includes speakers from the Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities (DLUHC) and the Regulator of Social Housing (RSH). The webinar is being held over Zoom and is free to LGA members. To find out more information and to book follow the link: Local Government Association  

LGA Building Safety Webinar

This is the second of a series of LGA building safety webinars providing updates on councils’ responsibilities as landlords/ALMO overseers in respect of the new Building Safety regime, the Fire Safety Act and new fire safety regulations arriving in January. The programme includes an update from the HSE on the new Building Safety Regulator, safety cases and resident engagement in the new In-occupation safety regime (for existing blocks). There will also be a Home Office update on the Fire Safety Act and associated new regulations that come into force in January. The LGA will update on PEEPs which was omitted form Read More....

CWAG Finance and Business Planning Meeting

Steve Partridge - Savills Director of Housing Consultancy will lead this event which will focus on current finance and business planning issues including recently announce rent cap, inflationary pressures and other pressures on the HRA. The meeting will be of particular interest to finance officers, and anyone involved in HRA strategy and business planning. The event is open to CWAG members - to book a place, please contact the Policy Officer.

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