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CWAG Finance and Business Planning Meeting

Steve Partridge - Savills Director of Housing Consultancy will lead this event which will focus on current finance and business planning issues including recently announce rent cap, inflationary pressures and other pressures on the HRA. The meeting will be of particular interest to finance officers, and anyone involved in HRA strategy and business planning. The event is open to CWAG members - to book a place, please contact the Policy Officer.

LGA Webinar – Handling Complaints and Improving Tenant Experience

The LGA is hosting a webinar focussing on complaints handling in social housing. The webinar is being held over Zoom and is free to LGA members. The programme includes the following: Richard Blakeway, Housing Ombudsman will discuss complaints with a particular focus on damp and mould. DLUHC will share information on their updated social housing complaints campaign. The Chartered Institute of Housing will speak about their Better Housing Review. To find out more information and to book follow the link: Local Government Association

CWAG Clienting Group

The theme of the meeting is Regulatory Assurance from a Clienting Perspective and will be an opportunity to discuss how different councils are preparing for the introduction of new regulatory arrangements.

LGA Webinar – Building Safety (Session 3)

This the third in a series of free LGA webinars funded by government will providing updates on the new building safety regime, Fire Safety Act and associated regulations. Representatives from the Health and Safety Executive, Home Office and the National Fire Chiefs Council be discussing current implementation issues and answering questions. The webinar is being held over Zoom and is open to council officers and ALMOs. To book use link:  Local Government Association

CWAG Finance and Business Planning Meeting

Steve Partridge – Savills Director of Housing Consultancy will be leading this event for finance officers and others with an interest in HRA strategy and business planning. This will be an interactive meeting focussing on issues for the next budgeting and business planning round. The event is a free event that is open to CWAG members – to book a place, please contact the Policy Officer.

Free NFA Webinar : Regulating Consumer Standards – Learning from Pilot Inspections

The RSH has started a programme of pilot inspections across the county to test out their new regulatory approach and to learn more about councils with and without ALMOs. This NFA webinar will seek to share the learning from the only council with an ALMO to be inspected so far. The event is open to CWAG members. For further details on how to book contact the Policy Officer.  Event Programme.

Consumer Standards Consultation Webinar

The LGA is hosting a one-hour online stakeholder engagement event on the consumer standards consultation for ARCH, CWAG and NFA members. The Regulator of Social Housing will give a presentation about the Consumer Standards consultation to be followed by a question-and-answer session. The event is free and open to CWAG members. Places can be booked via the LGA using the link below: Local Government Association

CWAG Annual General Meeting

This year our AGM speakers will focus on the implementation of the Social Housing Regulation Act, in particular preparing for the new regulatory arrangements and the professionalisation changes introduced by the legislation. Lydia Dlaboha, Deputy Chief Executive HQN will be discussing how councils can prepare for consumer regulation whilst Charlotte Hilliard who is the DLUHC lead on professionalisation and anti-social behaviour will be speaking on Driving Professionalism in Social Housing.

Tpas Tenant Engagement Workshop

Tenant engagement is a key element in the new regulatory arrangements and as part of our preparations we have teamed up with Tpas to organise a workshop to consider key issues for CWAG members. In this session Caritas Charles and Clare Powell, from the Tpas Policy and Insights team, will take us though the Consumer Regulation proposals tenant voice with a particular focus on the implications and issues for councils with ALMOs. As the leading tenant engagement organisation Tpas have been heavily involved over the last few years on the development of these standards and also have their own accreditation that […]

Finance and Business Planning Meeting

Steve Partridge – Savills Director of Housing Consultancy will be leading this event for finance officers and others with an interest in HRA management and business planning. The event is a free event that is open to CWAG members – to book a place, please contact the Policy Officer.

CWAG General Meeting

The programme will include a presentation by Jonathan Cox,  Director of Data at Housemark. Jonathan will be discussing learning so far from the first round of Tenants Satisfaction Measures, as well as highlighting any particular issues relating to the ALMO model and councils with ALMOs. The programme will also include feedback from CWAG member Shropshire Council which recently took part in the third phase of pilot inspections by the Regulator of Social Housing.

Finance and Business Planning Meeting

Steve Partridge – Savills Director of Housing Consultancy will be leading this event for finance officers and others with an interest in HRA management and business planning.

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