This Update includes the following
Better Social Housing Review
The Better Social Housing Review published in December 2022 follows a six-month examination of the key issues and challenges currently facing social housing. The review which was undertaken by a panel of independent experts on behalf of the National Housing Federation (NHF) and Chartered Institute of Housing (CIH) addresses itself specifically to housing associations although there is a read across to the wider social housing sector.
The review identifies two central issues as top priorities for those living in social housing, namely the suitability and quality of housing stock and the housing association’s culture and responsiveness to tenants’ concerns and complaints. The Report goes on to make a series of detailed recommendations to address current issues and concerns – see box
The NHF and CIH have accepted the report and its findings and are committed to developing an action plan to implement its recommendations. Secretary of State Michael Gove also welcomed the report’s call for a full audit of social rented stock to identify and tackle disrepair alongside action on wider resident concerns around service delivery and engagement flagged up in the report.
There are seven key recommendations:
- The sector should refocus on its core purpose – to provide decent, safe homes for those who can’t afford the market.
- A national audit of social housing stock to address the absence of a comprehensive, consistently measured picture of the state of social housing across the country. The report recommends that all organisations should use the new HACT UK Housing Data Standards.
- Organisations should ask tenants, frontline staff and contractors to work together to review how the organisation deals with maintenance and repairs with a view to developing new standards and definitions for what an excellent maintenance and repairs process looks like.
- Renewed focus, resources and training to support the traditional housing officer role.
- Tenants should be recognised as key partners with initiatives to expand the roles they can play within organisations to ensure tenants have a voice and influence at every level of decision making.
- Organisations should develop a proactive local community presence through community hubs which foster greater multi-agency working.
- Organisations should work with their tenants and frontline to undertake an annual review of the progress in implementing the recommendations of the review.
CWAG Diary
Finance and Business Planning Meeting – 24th January 2023 (10.30a.m – 12.30p.m)
Steve Partridge – Savills Director of Housing Consultancy will lead this event which will focus on current finance and business planning issues including the impact if the rent cap, inflationary pressures and other pressures on the HRA. The meeting will be of particular interest to finance officers, and anyone involved in HRA strategy and business planning.
The event is a free event that is open to CWAG members – to book a place, please contact the Policy Officer.

Recent Publications
Check your fire safety responsibilities under the Fire Safety (England) Regulations 2022
The Home Office published a guide to the new Fire Safety Regulations in England which come into force on 23rd January 2023. The new regulations cover all buildings containing two or more domestic premises with common parts. The main purpose of the regulations relates to new duties for ‘responsible persons’ in respect of high-rise buildings. These duties include signages, information requirements for residents and the Fire Service along with regular checks to fire doors, lifts and fire safety equipment.
Housing Ombudsman Service Insight Report July -September 2022
This latest Insight Report covers complaints data for the second quarter of 2022. Complaints volumes remain at a high level and cases upheld remains high at 55%. The majority of complaints continue to relate to property condition, but a sizable number also relate to complaints handling. This report includes four good practice case studies drawn from Greater London.
English Housing Survey 2021 to 2022: headline report
Latest DLUHC English Housing Survey Report covers the latest information on the breakdown of housing by tenure, household characteristics as well as information on property condition and energy efficiency.